Read my blog below "Giving Up The Ghost" that highlights my story in the book!

Scott M. Davis, M.D., M.A., FASAM

Fellow of the American Society of Addiction Medicine


Dr. Scott M. Davis, M.D. is an Internist and Addiction Medicine Specialist. Graduating from Boston University School of Medicine in 1991, he completed his medical training in Internal Medicine from the University of California at Irvine and subsequently, a Fellowship in Addiction Medicine with Loma Linda University School of Medicine. Dr. Davis is now widely regarded as a leading expert in the field of Addiction Medicine, garnering requests for his substance abuse expertise from numerous professional organizations and government agencies as diverse as the California Board of Registered Nursing, American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM), the U.S. Government’s Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT), and the United States Justice Department. His most recent book is Living Jonathan's Life, (publisher, Health Communications Inc.,released January,2008.

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Wednesday, November 7, 2007

I would like to welcome you all to my new blog site. It's great to finally have a real interactive site for discussion, information, and just interesting "stuff" to present and share. I hope you enjoy it as much as I'll enjoy feeding into it!


Rose said...

I'm not sure why I received your email announcing your new blog, but I am a Behavioral Health Registered Nurse very interested in addiction medicine and look forward to reading Living Jonathan's Life.

Rose LeDoux, R.N.
Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital
Valencia, CA

SCOTT M. DAVIS, MD said...

Thanks for posting Rose. It's great that you have such an interest as an RN in addiction medicine. There is such a demand for this epidemic disease. I hope you enjoy the book!

Unknown said...

Dr. Davis, I am looking forward to reading your book. My son's mother is addicted to Oxcycontin, Soma, Xanax, and other prescription medications. It appears that both she and her MD are in denial. She has no confirmed diagnosis that would warrant these types of medications other than her complaint of back pain.

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Christine said...

Thank you for making public the neuroimages of brains affected by drug abuse—a great public service. This seems an important step toward busting the myth that marijuana use is harmless, which I’ve heard from doctors.

The Internet medium and visuals should help to communicate the facts to adolescents.

Christine in Chicago

Anonymous said...

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New York Times Book Review : "An eye-opening look into the hidden world of America's drug problem."

The Midwest Book Review : "An engrossing, solid narrative."

Publishers Weekly: "...Captivating and gripping".

Writer's Digest: "After the first two chapters, I couldn't put it down".